The Challenge: Create a portfolio of projects that highlights the work at The Theatre Centre to share with producers, presenters, and potential funders.
Every year The Theatre Centre produces a variety of shows and events. The leadership team wanted a portfolio that highlighted all of the projects, could be easily updated each year, and was compact and easy to travel with.
It also needed to be self-contained so they could leave it with someone after a meeting.
The solution: To answer this challenge, I designed The Tour Deck, a custom, branded envelope to house 16-20 postcards highlighting the work of the theatre.
I worked closely with the printers to select the perfect card stock and went through a number of iterations playing with the logo colour and closure design. I chose a button and string closure to elevate the presentation and give it a more tactile, retro feel.
I designed the postcards with a consistent layout to create a cohesive, easy-to-read, overview of the work. As programming changed the postcards could easily be updated.
The impact: The Artistic Director was thrilled with the results and said they were a hit at the Edinburgh Festival where he met with many international producers and presenters. The Tour Deck not only served to inform but also left a lasting impression.