“It’s been the best piece of marketing collateral for dance produced in Toronto in well over a decade.”
- Nova Bhattacharya (Nova Dance), Toronto Star article.

When The Theatre Centre hosted eight dance shows we created a ticket and marketing initiative, the Dance Card, to give audiences an affordable way to catch the work of all the great artists in the season. I created this beautiful brochure to introduce the initiative and highlight the work of each company.

I chose newsprint because there is an immediacy yet timelessness to the look and feel. It also gave people the chance to make notes, circle shows they wanted to see, and carry it with them easily. The large format allowed me to offer each company a two-page full-colour spread where they could present themselves in their own unique style and voice. 

The brochure and the initiative were a huge hit both in the theatre and dance communities, enabling the indie companies who wouldn't normally have had the means to create this kind of marketing material to reach a far greater audience.